Your partner in the digitalisation of finance
As a leading partner for the digitalisation of the financial sector, we are rethinking banking. We offer our customers smart, innovative and platform-based digitalised solutions from a single source. As part of the msg Group, we are a leader in bank management and regulatory reporting as well as a provider of high-quality consulting solutions. We are your secure partner, supporting you with a diverse and comprehensive portfolio in your digital transformation and all regulatory topics.
Our banking experts have the expertise and experience to help banks master the challenges of today and prepare for those of the future.
Our expertise in the SAP environment as well as our comprehensive Microsoft know-how - the "Digital Clip" - allows us to help shape the future of the banking sector with solutions from a single source.
Great industry experience, extensive product range
- Use of artificial intelligence
- Design of strategy and business models
- Risk and compliance management
- Comprehensive SAP know-how
- Sustainable Banking
- Tools and software - developed by msg group for the banking industry
- Support for the appearance in capital markets
Our portfolio for your success
Services & Consulting
Software of the msg group
Banking Downloads


Sustainable Banking
Climate change is coming faster than previously assumed, and the consequences are already visible. What is the role of the banking industry in the transformation of society towards more sustainability?
In order to answer this question, 110 specialists and managers, mainly from the area of bank management in German credit institutions, were asked about the status quo of sustainability in their institution.

Die Zukunft
des Banking

Die Zukunft
des Banking
The future of banking
The changes in the banking industry are massive, as this management survey clearly reflects. Almost all respondents think that the rules of the game will be fundamentally redefined in the next five years. Drivers and topics are largely known - what is less clear is what conclusions are to be drawn for one's own institution and what measures for change are to be implemented concretely and with what prioritisation.
For this study, the IMWF Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH surveyed 100 specialists and managers of German credit institutions. The online survey took place in March and April 2021.