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We accompany you holistically along the entire innovation
process: from the initial vision, the first idea idea,
the conception to the finished software solution.

We make your ideas fly

The focus of our Software Development Hub is digital transformation, i.e. the digitization of business processes and the expansion of existing business models to include digital components. We accompany our customers holistically along the entire innovation process: from the first vision, to the first idea, to the conception, to the finished software solution.

We are not just your technical service provider, but rather a sparring partner who helps shape and support the transformation. Above all, to develop the business value and the new opportunities within the digital transformation.

As a basis for this, it is necessary to understand the idea or vision (the "why") of the customer. We put this idea to the test and verify it in order to develop structured solution concepts together with you.

Do you have questions?

Florian Wurzer

Florian Wurzer
Head of Software Development

We materialize your ideas and make them touchable

Fast time-to-market through structured innovation process

msg Plaut Innovation Stack

We are your sparring partner and support you along the entire innovation process. Entry is possible at any point of the process.

Software Development Prozess

The topics Inspriation, Exploration and Conception are particularly important, as this is where your added value is generated. Together with you, we develop the business value based on your idea, verify and evaluate it.



  • Innovation process starts with an idea, inspiration or vision
  • Understanding the problem and the user



  • Joint further development of your visions and ideas
  • Evaluation and joint learning
  • As a sparring partner we support through methodology and structure



  • Design of actual solutions on basis of the research results
  • Describe and prioritize requirements in detail
  • Establish a structured development backlog



  • Implementation of the idea in specific terms
  • Software development implemented according to agile development models
  • Development of an initial solution with minimal functionality (MVP)



  • Rollout of the MVP to the target platform
  • Go-live of the system



  • Observing the version in live operation
  • Collect feedback, document and derive lessons learned
  • Extend and continuously improve solution

From the idea to the concept

Gerne unterstützen wir Sie bis zur Konzeptionierung mit unseren Dienstleistungen:

  • Business Process Engineering (BPMN)
  • IST Analyse/SOLL Prozess Modellierung
  • Process Performance Optimization
  • Business Case & Return on Investment verifizieren
  • Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten
  • Entwicklung von Lösungskonzepten
  • Strukturierte Requirements erstellen
  • Überführung in Development Backlogs
  • Business Model Canvas/Design Thinking
  • Entwicklung der Workshop Didaktik
  • Planung, Durchführung & Moderation

Vom Konzept zur Lösung

In dieser Phase machen wir Digitalisierung angreifbar und setzen Ihre Konzepte in fertige Lösungen um.

  • Business Cases
  • Geschäftsprozesse (IST/SOLL)
  • Systemanforderungen
  • SW Lösungen/UX Design
  • Architektur
  • (Cloud) Infrastruktur
  • Frontend & Backend Development
  • Automatisierte Unit Tests
  • Agiler Entwicklungsprozess
  • Testdesign & -management
  • Funktionale & integrale Tests
  • Performance- & Stresstests
  • Einstufige / mehrstufige Szenarios
  • Rollout Support / Hotfixing
  • Anwender:innenschulungen
  • 24/7 Support
  • System Maintenance
  • Monitoring/Feedback Loops

Technology Stack

Tools & Methods

You want more information? We will be happy to help you!

Contact us!

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Florian Wurzer

Florian Wurzer
Head of Software Development

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