We offer solutions for security across the entire life cycle of vehicles for OEMs and the supply industry. This includes support during the development phase, during type approval (homologation) of large-scale production projects and during the operation of your product - the "operational life cycle". We consider the topic of the General Data Protection Regulation "at the latest" during the Threat and Risk Analysis (TARA). Our consultants have many years of experience in series development.
Ongoing training and certifications
We deliver added value through permanent training in research projects and through staff certification; for example, many of our specialists have certificates for ISO 21434 and the 270xy series of standards in addition to their social competence.
Do you have questions?
Cyber Security
The focus of cyber security is on the product - the related standard is ISO 21434. With a Cyber Security Management System [CSMS], all necessary actions at company level for a "cyber-secures" product are understood. For serial development projects, activities are combined with our security-by-design and trusted-zones approaches.
Accelerating cybersecurity: Safeguarding the future of automotive tech
Information Security
An Information Security Management System [ISMS] is required for a company - specifications for this are based on the ISO 2700x standards. The right implementation enables a basis for your company to develop and test "cyber-secure" products. For this purpose, risk analyses are carried out and the appropriate measures are taken. You can check the correct implementation with an internal Information Security Assessment (ISA). The German Association of the Automotive Industry [VDA] has presented a cross-company standard for comparability: TISAX stands for Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange.
Further information:
msg Plaut & AIT
msg Plaut tests cyber security in vehicles & systems with "THREATGET
With THREATGET, manufacturers and suppliers have a tool at their fingertips to prepare the cyber security of their vehicle systems for type approval in conformity with ECE and thus remain competitive in top markets. This tool was developed at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology together with LieberLieber Software, and msg Plaut is now successfully using it in practice. The early detection of risks saves costs and the updatable threat catalogue automatically keeps the analysis up to date.