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ESG success for financial sector
from a single source

The ESG end-to-end approach from msg Plaut

ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) can be seen as the paradigm shift of recent decades. A transformation that affects all sectors simultaneously and, in addition to regulatory requirements, also puts our understanding of business to the test.

Companies and the financial industry need to take action for the following reasons:

  • Timely preparation and long-term fulfilment of regulatory requirements
  • Utilisation of the changed competitive conditions.
  • It quickly becomes clear that ESG influences all areas of a company and must be considered holistically. This is exactly where our consulting approach comes in!

We therefore see the implementation of these 5 key factors as a necessity for an effective ESG transformation:

  • Understanding the impact on the business model (incl. ESG vision and opportunities)
  • Targeted organisational and strategic anchoring
  • Creation of regulatory compliance
  • Mapping and integration in the processes
  • Decision-making, control, and planning security

Do you have questions?

Tamara Meiböck

Tamara Elisabeth Meiböck

Lead Consultant in ESG, Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance

Advantages of your ESG partnership with msg Plaut

CSRD: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive | SFDR: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation | PAI: Principal Adverse Impacts |
International Financial Reporting Standards | ICAAP: Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment

Our ESG services for you

A customised solution for implementing ESG requires industry expertise, extensive ESG knowledge and the right technology. Combining these three elements at msg Plaut, we have developed an ESG framework that can be used to effectively implement ESG.

By implementing ESG at these three levels, you can achieve a sustainable ESG transformation:

End-to-end ESG transformation

ESG Transformation 4

6 Focus for insurance companies

Your advantages

Flexible and customer-centred approach

Holistic end-to-end support

Expertise from a single source

Level I: Strategy & Organisation - Initial situation

The first step provides clarity about your specific ESG requirements and thus creates the basis for further steps.

Management and governance
  • Definition of ESG objectives
  • Identification of plan parameters and fields of action for long-term management
  • Organisational analysis and anchoring in the organisational framework including recommendations for action
Regulation and reporting
  • Regulatory roadmap over a defined time horizon
  • Preliminary study on the implementation of regulatory requirements
  • Definition of data catalogue according to regulatory requirements
  • Derivation of initial recommendations for consideration in processes and risk management
  • CSRD support (e.g. carrying out a double materiality analysis)

Your advantages

Elaborated and formalised ESG vision

Understanding of strategic and organisational implementation

Clarity on key management KPIs affected by ESG

Creation of regulatory compliance

Level II: Business units & offerings - realisation

This allows you to effectively integrate ESG into your core business and successfully implement it in your products and market presence.

Product portfolio
  • End-to-end product analysis
  • Definition of ESG product criteria (incl. regulatory requirements)
  • Carrying out the fit-to-gap and deriving measures
Investment (focus on insurance)
  • As-Is analysis and identification of positions with an impact on profit or loss (ESG perspective)
  • Mapping to regulatory requirements catalogue
  • Derivation and preparation of measures

Your advantages

Defined and targeted measures for the core business

Clarity about effects on the income statement in the assessment

Knowledge of regulatory and end-to-end levers in the product landscape

Implementation plan and technical advice

Level III: Data & technology - further development

Defining the right data and selecting the right tools will help you to anchor ESG efficiently in your organisation.

ESG data management
  • ESG database analysis
  • ESG data management process
  • ESG data governance
  • Review and Improvement
Solution design
  • Definition of ESG (e.g. CSRD / ESRS) Overall architecture
  • Software selection
  • Anchoring and controlling of organisational measures
  • Technical basis
  • Design
  • Data processing and report implementation (e.g. preparation of CSRD report)
  • Run

Your advantages

Understanding of data requirements and data process

Tool selection and technical mapping

Clarity about governance, roles and potential for improvement

Support with ESG report preparation

Further sustainable solutions for you


Our easy!sustain solution provides the information required for a legally prescribed sustainability report. The collected data and improvement potentials are in line with the legal requirements.

SAP Sustainability
Control Tower

Use SAP Sustainability Control Tower to create a centralised register for your company's environmental, social and economic efforts and ensure that there is only one point of information.

Climate Stresstesting
as a Service

Our Climate Stress Testing as a Service offers the possibility to integrate dynamic requirements for data (sources) and at the same time keep pace with the further development of climate stress testing.

Would you like more information? We are happy to help you!

Contact us!

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Tamara Meiböck

Tamara Elisabeth Meiböck

Lead Consultant in ESG, Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance