Our white papers & studies
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Development of a
S/4HANA roadmap
for the financial sector

Development of a
S/4HANA roadmap
for the financial sector
Development of a S/4HANA roadmap for the financial sector
Before a conversion to S/4HANA, specific consideration should be given to which potential benefits can be realized and the objective defined. Then, the procedure, time horizon, and a rough cost estimate can be defined. This provides a clear basis for deciding how to proceed. This white paper shows the respective phases for developing an S/4HANA implementation roadmap in detail and presents the project management methodology of msg Plaut.

Digitalisation of the
financial sector with

Digitalisation of the
financial sector with
Digitalisation of the financial sector with SAP S/4HANA
Read here about our experience in the S/4HANA world to support you in your considerations when creating a business case, an approach for the migration or in preparing the content. In this whitepaper, we have used specific areas of application to illustrate the benefits and possible uses of S/4HANA for the new challenges in finance, such as process automation, real-time cash management and much more.

Digitalisation of the
Insurance Sector with

Digitalisation of the
Insurance Sector with
Digitalisation of the Insurance Sector with SAP S/4HANA
With S/4HANA, SAP has introduced many innovations for the insurance industry. msg Plaut has presented the benefits and possible uses of S/4HANA for the new challenges in the insurance sector based on specific areas of application. From reporting to user experience to implementation in the system landscape, the range of possible applications extends. It is intended to help you identify which benefit aspects and specific tasks are particularly value-adding and to support you in your decision to switch to S/4HANA.

Rollout of SAP S/4HANA:
strategies - implementation -

Rollout of SAP S/4HANA:
strategies - implementation -
Rollout of SAP S/4HANA: strategies - implementation - experiences
S/4HANA offers companies that operate in several countries in particular the optimization and cross-national design of business processes. In doing so, it is important to support both the requirements of the corporate headquarters and the specific strengths of the national subsidiaries. msg Plaut has decades of experience in rollouts of SAP systems. This white paper provides you with concrete recommendations and suggestions for the organization and implementation of global SAP S/4HANA rollouts.
Further publications

SAP Solution Brief:
SAP Dairy Management by msg

SAP Solution Brief:
SAP Dairy Management by msg
SAP Solution Brief: SAP Dairy Management by msg for SAP S/4HANA
Accurate and efficient operations are critical for your dairy business. The best way to achieve this is to digitize your supply chain processes. With a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of the dairy industry, you can simplify processes, streamline operations, increase efficiency and enable smart supply chain operations, all while continuing to deliver high-quality products.

Mapping Your Journey to SAP S/4HANA - A Practical Guide for Senior IT Leadership

Mapping Your Journey to SAP S/4HANA - A Practical Guide for Senior IT Leadership
Mapping Your Journey to SAP S/4HANA - A Practical Guide for Senior IT Leadership
This practical, straightforward, and summary guide for executives, project managers, decision makers, and senior IT leaders was created jointly by members of SAP product teams, subject matter experts, and consultants in collaboration with ASUG and DSAG. The goal is to share the cumulative experience from more than 5,000 projects.