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Ecosystems, Gaia-X & 5D

Let's unlock the full data potential together.

Data ecosystems: Achieving more together

Data is the new gold and has become a success factor. Many companies want to benefit from this development and are finding that their own data is not enough for success. The true value of data only emerges through cross-company collaboration. There are many use cases for data-based ecosystems:

  • Predictive maintenance for plants (predictive maintenance)
  • Creation of digital twins for products and processes
  • Transparency in the supply chain
  • Joint value-added services, for example in infrastructure (smart city, electromobility)

Do you have questions?

Roman Balmasovich

Roman Balmasovich
Senior Account Manager Utilities

Once different parties are involved, the challenges begin: How much data do I have to disclose? How can I protect my data (data sovereignty)? How do I convince potential partners to work with me? 

Our 5D consulting approach addresses the relevant questions in a targeted manner and provides the necessary basis for decision-making with tangible results. 

We support you

in the identification of concrete starting points for data-driven business models

in the initiation and design of possible cooperation with partners

in the secure integration of your data assets into shared dataspaces

in the implementation of your requirements with Gaia-X and IDSA architectures

Gaia-X as basis

The next generation of data infrastructure: Gaia-X is an open, transparent and secure digital ecosystem where data and services can be provided, collected and shared in a trusted environment. The digital ecosystem focuses on doing business with data for and from users.

In doing so, Gaia-X provides highly secure standards that comply with European data protection requirements, offer transparency and compatibility from the start, and make us independent from non-EU providers.

Gaia-X is not a centralised cloud like Amazon Web Services, Azure or GCP. It is a European initiative to create a decentralised data ecosystem across Europe. Representatives from business, academia and politics from primarily European countries are creating a federated system that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty while fostering innovation. Additional power comes from the broad open source community around Gaia-X.

  • Gaia-X offers a powerful European alternative for data ecosystems that aims to enable the highest standards of data sovereignty for all participants in a secure environment of European values.
  • Gaia-X facilitates the exchange of digital knowledge between the users of the ecosystem.
  • Gaia-X enables its partners to conduct their data business in a secure and sovereign manner - anywhere, anytime.
  • Gaia-X is designed to enable new approaches to European data solutions (cloud, edge, storage, computing, network) in a completely transparent way.
  • Gaia-X will take the existing European data economy to a new level and establish data sovereignty.
  • Gaia-X users will benefit from secure data spaces for the nine main sectors (domains) defined in the European Data Strategy.

Our 5D consultancy model helps to build data ecosystems in a structured way

The modules Discover, Define, Develop, Defend and Data Spaces, which are carried out in meetings and workshops, specifically address the questions that are relevant for the structured development of an ecosystem and provide the necessary basis for decision-making with tangible results. Our experts provide support with:

  • identifying concrete starting points for data-driven business models
  • the initiation and design of possible cooperation with partners
  • implementation of customer requirements with Gaia-X and IDSA architectures
  • secure integration of data assets in shared data spaces



Data driven ecosystems? Gaia-X, IDSA, data sovereignty? Are these terms you've been dealing with lately but can't quite place them? 

With the Discover module you will get a clear picture as well as deep understanding about the special field of data-driven ecosystems and data sovereignty with a focus on IDSA and Gaia-X.

You will understand the benefits of sovereign data sharing and relevant market drivers. Concrete industry practice examples show which data-driven business models are successful and which innovation opportunities you have.

Gain understanding of data-driven ecosystems
  • Introduction to ecosystems and platforms (definition and basics)
  • Roles involved in the ecosystem
  • Introduction to existing ecosystems (e.g. National Access Point Mobility Data Platform)
  • Understanding opportunities and business value of data-driven ecosystems
  • Basics of data sovereignty
Overview International Data Spaces Association gewinnen (IDSA)
Understand the procedure for building a Data Space



You already have profound knowledge about IDSA and Gaia-X and know what role you want to play in a data ecosystem? Then you can start directly in the Define phase.

As a basis for a trusting data exchange, you will gain an overview of which data offers and needs exist in your sphere of influence.

By positioning all participants and identifying clear win-win situations, your project will have a solid foundation.

Stakeholder Identification
  • Companies relevant for the data-driven value-added service are identified (data suppliers and consumers)
Implementation of data marketplace workshop
Develop a benefit matrix



Do you have a specific idea with whom and for what purpose you would like to exchange specific data assets? Then you can enter directly into the develop phase with us.

With the technical breakthrough, the current challenges in the implementation of data exchange between the partners become visible. Challenges with the cloud strategy, authorisation problems and missing interfaces of the systems involved are documented in a structured way. The goal is to create facts early on.

Create High-Level Architecture
  • Identification of the subsystems and cloud providers involved
  • Determination of the connection scenario and identification of the data assets
  • Determination of the functional scope incl. required IDSA components
Project management



Es existieren technische Fakten für Datenaustausche zwischen den beteiligten Unternehmen? Dann starten Sie in diese Phase. Das Management prüft Ergebnisse Wirtschaftlichkeit und Potentiale.

Geführte, faktenbasierte Entscheidungsgrundlage für den eingebrachten datenbasierten Mehrwertdienst. Sie erhalten eine klare Entscheidung für die Implementierung eines MVPs aller beteiligten Firmen.

Result preparation Develop phase
  • Preparation of results for targeted management alignment
  • Clearly visible opportunity/risk assessment
  • Business case concretisation on the basis of the facts created
  • Creation of a rough MVP roadmap as an additional basis for decision-making
Implementation Management Alignment
Accompanying management decisions

Data Spaces

Data Spaces

Sie haben klare technische Lösungen für den Datenaustausch zwischen Unternehmen und wissen, welche Stärken, Schwächen und Lücken Ihr Ansatz hat? Steigen Sie in diese Phase ein und schaffen ein produktives System.

Sie und Ihre Partner erhalten einen klaren Plan und eine klare Struktur, die alle Schritte auf dem Weg zu Ihrem produktiven Datenökosystem abdeckt. Sie profitieren von einem neutralen, professionellen und partnerübergreifendem Projektmanagement. Durch die agile Vorgehensweise wird ein hohes Maß an Transparenz und Koordination aller Stakeholder ermöglicht.

Create MVP project plan
  • Creation of an agile project plan incl. clear milestones
  • Planning and coordination of regular meetings
  • Creation of the implementation backlog incl. a common prioritisation delivery model, if desired also with near-shore parts
Connecting existing ecosystems
Overall project management

Make an appointment for a free initial consultation now

Are you planning your data-based ecosystem or are you already implementing it?
We are happy to help you!
Our experts are available to you for a free initial consultation.

Roman Balmasovich

Roman Balmasovich
Senior Account Manager Utilities

Enable Data Economy: A short story on how to help

Success Story - Knorr Bremse

Together with Knorr-Bremse and SBB we have contributed to establish data partnerships among businesses. Our 5D Model helped us to structure the data-journey from an early stage until the exchange of actual Data Assets. We evaluated the IDSA technology to share Data Assets to enable new digital services.

With the combination of knowledge, we achieved another step towards data-driven ecosystems. Such projects motivate us not only within our Gaia-X activities but also within each connected activity in the mobility sector and across different industries domains. We are proud to be part of this end-to-end data journey which enables smart digital services in the rail domain. Read our Success Story here.

Read our Success Story here (German).

Advantages for your Data Ecosystem

Practice-proven counselling model
Practice-proven counselling model

We know the challenges and needs of our clients. We fully map these with our proven 5D consulting model.

Sound basis for decision-making
Sound basis for decision-making

We pay attention to economic and transparent framework conditions right from the start and follow the fail early principle.

Quick adaptation of use cases
Quick adaptation of use cases

With our expertise and agile approach, we make relevant use cases quickly tangible.

Broad and relevant partner network
Broad and relevant partner network

We find the right partners for your data and support you in initiating and shaping the possible cooperation.

Are you interested in our workshops? Sign up!

Contact us!

Interested in our 5D workshops? Contact us!

Are you interested in our workshops? Contact us!

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Horst Bratfisch

Horst Bratfisch
Manager BU Public/ Health/ Utilities | CTO


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