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as a company

We build our sustainability concept on the three
pillars of ecology, economy and social aspects.

The msg Plaut Model for Sustainable Development

We build our sustainability concept on the three pillars of ecology, economy and social aspects. This is because sustainable development can only be achieved through the simultaneous and equal implementation of environmental, economic and social goals.

Sustainability Pillars
  • Promotion of e-mobility
  • Home office regulation
  • Video conferencing instead of travel
  • No-waste packaging
  • Clean Desk Approach
  • Austria cycles
  • Trainings & certifications

With us, it is possible to work flexibly and from home - saving commuting time and reducing CO2 emissions. The same applies to meetings: we prefer state-of-the-art video conferencing technology where possible to reduce the need for business trips. For trips that have to be made, msg Plaut relies on e-mobility.

We participate in the 'Austria Cycles' initiative and encourage our employees to cycle to work.

A clean desk and paperless office is firmly anchored in the minds of our employees in order to conserve resources. Furthermore, we offer the possibility to order lunch in no-waste packaging. In the office, mineral water is provided in glass instead of plastic bottles and leftover 'office fruit' is processed into smoothies.

msg Plaut employees are trained in environmental awareness and make sure that even office supplies are recycled in a sensible way. The sustainability credo hangs in our offices and is a constant reminder of our values and principles.

  • Growth for 75 years (by 2025: 100 million turnover)
  • Owner-managed
  • Sustainable solutions for the future
  • Certified supervisory boards, employees and processes

msg Plaut has been growing sustainably for 75 years - by 2025, we want to achieve a turnover of 100 million euros.

As a company, we have been owned by the founding families since the very beginning and are thus, in our very own sense, geared towards sustainability and passing it on to the next generations.

Our services and digital offering include future-oriented solutions such as the Flughafen Wien App for increasing energy efficiency and achieving complete C02 neutrality by 2030 or a solution developed in-house for SAP Profitability & Performance Management.

In the interests of sustainable and sensible management, the msg Group has internationally certified supervisory boards (CSE - Certified Supervisory Expert). The company also has a large number of other certifications (ISO 9001:2015, IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering, S/4HANA certifications and many more) to ensure professionalism at all times.

We think long-term about the future: in Austria, there is a digitisation initiative called 'Make TOMORROW Possible Today', which is supported by msg Plaut. We are also a founding and supporting member of the Fit4Internet initiative and support entrepreneurship within the company in the spirit of promoting and challenging.

Our employees are highly trained in important guidelines (e.g. data protection) and our quality management is audited. We also consider the health of our employees to be part of sustainability, which is why we have a company health management system including a company doctor.

  • equalitA Certification
  • Promoting women in IT
  • Employees from 30 countries
  • Social projects and donations (e.g. to neunerhaus)
  • Focus on people

We benefit from an international environment with local values for employees from 30 countries. Every:r enjoys a warm welcome culture and a buddy system to quickly feel at home.

msg Plaut is proud of its equalitA seal of approval for the promotion of women and gender equality within the company. We have flexible and, above all, women- and family-friendly working models, flex days, 'Bring your kid to work' to cushion childcare emergencies, we support women in IT role models and much more.

For us, the advancement of women is not only a big issue internally: we are also committed to diversity externally. We are a member of VÖSI-Women in ICT for the promotion of women in IT and support the association "The New IT-Girls".

In order to promote young talent, we are a proud partner of the "Duales Studium" initiative at the FH Technikum Wien.

For us, the social aspect naturally also includes charity. We support the associations KIWI, SOS Kinderdorf, MÖWE and Lichtblick with sustainability initiatives for children (joint construction of bird nesting sites, insect hotels, etc.).

Since 2014, we have also been sponsoring "Christmas in a Shoebox" and have been able to give homeless people in the neunerhaus a better Christmas for several years in a row.

People are our focus - we don't just talk about it, we live it and have developed the "MiM" concept. We strengthen strengths and focus on the different life phases of our staff.

We can't do without community: team events for a good cause are always on our agenda. Only with the right team spirit can we achieve anything - and, above all, sustainably.

Commitment to ILO Core Labour Standards

Our ILO Commitment objectives are that we respect the following principles:

  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • Elimination of forced labour
  • Abolition of child labour
  • Prohibition of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

You want more information? We will be happy to help you!

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