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msg Plaut online

msg Plaut regularly offers online events on current topics.
You can view the recordings here.

msg Plaut Webcasts

Here you will find all our webinars at a glance. They cover current topics from our Business Competence Centres. Register for upcoming webinars or download recordings of past webinars free of charge. (Most of them are in German)

You can find our next events and webcasts here.

Recordings of our webcasts

Automotive Cyber-Security

Automotive Cyber-Security


  • Standards and regulations
  • Automotive Product Life-Cycle with focus Cyber-Security & Updates
  • Development Life-Cycle with focus Cyber-Security
  • TARA: Risk graph & further explanations
  • Cyber-Security layer model
  • Cyber-Security-Assurance Level (CAL) & Tool-Support

Autonomous driving -
an introduction

Autonomous driving -
an introduction


  • Automation & legal framework
  • 6 levels of automation
  • Current developments
    • Use cases and legal framework
    • Selected components of an automated vehicle
    • Challenges: cyber security, functional safety, human-machine interaction, ...
  • Future of Automation: Autonomous Driving
  • Innovation as a driver for economic growth

Merging Digital Worlds - Modern Workplace

Merging Digital Worlds - Modern Workplace


You want your core systems, your business and your work processes to become a uniform digital working world, to & Modern Workplace”, merge? We will show you possible integrations between core and office systems to avoid media breaks.
We will show you the following use cases:

  • Digital application process
  • Digital board and manager meetings
  • Cloud Engineering Workplace & digital collaboration

High-Speed in Financial Processes in 18 UNIQA Countries with S/4HANA

High-Speed in Financial Processes in 18 UNIQA Countries with S/4HANA


SAP S/4HANA offers optimization and cross-national design of business processes, especially for companies that operate in several countries. In doing so, requirements of the corporate headquarters as well as specific strengths of the national subsidiaries have to be supported. Using Uniqa Group as an example, we will show you the successful implementation of a rollout project on a global level. Learn how speed, transparency and international standardization in finance & controlling processes were increased at the same time.

Securing competitive advantages with systematic methods

Securing competitive advantages with systematic methods


Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is increasingly becoming a real competitive advantage for overcoming the complex challenges of industry. The new concept not only helps to master the product complexity, but also the complexity of the development process.

  • Your benefits & Benefits through Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
  • Differences between Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Document Based Systems Engineering (DBSE)
  • Model Based Systems Engineering using SysML as an example
  • Application example from practice, directly in the system

msg Plaut S/4HANA MigrationBox Roadmap for your S/4HANA project

msg Plaut S/4HANA MigrationBox Roadmap for your S/4HANA project


When should one change over? Why should you do it? How should you do it?

These are the crucial questions that need to be answered conclusively when it comes to switching to SAP S/4HANA. msg Plaut has developed the SAP S/4HANA MigrationBox, a solution kit to provide answers to these three questions.

Rollout of SAP S/4HANA: Strategy - Implementation - Experiences

Rollout of SAP S/4HANA: Strategy - Implementation - Experiences


S/4HANA offers companies that are active in several countries in particular the optimization and international design of business processes. It is important to support both the requirements of the group headquarters and the specific strengths of the national companies.

  • Rollout strategies: step-by-step or in-one-step?
  • Standardization vs. "degrees of freedom"
  • Legal Requirements - Business Needs - Special Requirements
  • Project Organization
  • Standard processes basis for company templates
  • Transnational FIT-GAP phase

SAP Analytics Cloud: BI &Enterprise Planning of the Future

SAP Analytics Cloud: BI &Enterprise Planning of the Future


  • Why is the SAP Analytics Cloud unique and forward-looking?
  • Does my data really need to go to the cloud or can it stay on the corporate network?
  • What integration options are there for SAP systems and access to other data sources?
  • How is flexible self-service BI possible for business users while maintaining data governance?
  • Live Demo: Analysis and Business Planning

SAP Profitability & Performance Management für Utilities

SAP Profitability & Performance Management für Utilities


SAP PaPM zeigt Ihnen in Echtzeit, wo welche Kosten entstehen und in welchem Bereich das Ergebnispotential am größten ist. Bereiten Sie strategische Entscheidungen betreffend Produkte, Kunden und Vertriebskanäle auf und simulieren Sie darauf aufbauen mögliche Auswirkungen auf Ihr Geschäftsmodell. Mit Kosten- und Profitabilitätsmodellen maximieren Sie transparent das Ergebnispotential. Unsere Experten von msg Plaut und SAP zeigen Ihnen in einer Demo, wie Sie SAP PaPM effizient in Ihrem Unternehmen einsetzen können.

SAP S/4HANA - Status, Ziele und Trends: Ergebnisse Lünendonk-Studie

SAP S/4HANA - Status, Ziele und Trends: Ergebnisse Lünendonk-Studie


Marktforscher Lünendonk hat den Status, Ziele und Trends zur Migration auf SAP S/4HANA im deutschsprachigen Raum erhoben. Erst rund 10% der Unternehmen haben fast fünf Jahre nach der Ankündigung auf S/4HANA umgestellt – und das auch meist noch nicht vollständig.

Die Gründe dafür, aber auch Möglichkeiten ein Migrationsprojekt in Angriff zu nehmen werden hier dargestellt. Dabei werden die aktuellen Zahlen und Einschätzungen des Marktes präsentiert und Lösungsansätze aufgezeigt, vorhandene Hürden zu überwinden.




Alle Bereiche und Branchen, die von der Digitalisierung betroffen sind, suchen nach neuen Strategien und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für die Anforderungen der Zukunft. Dabei setzen immer mehr Unternehmen auf die Vorteile, die ihnen Cloud-Lösungen bieten. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei.